Worship at FCC


First Christian Church offers three opportunities to worship together as a community. We offer our traditional worship at 8:30 AM and our Contemporary at 10:30. We also offer Sunday School for all ages following the first service starting at 9:30 a.m. during the school year. During summer vacation only adult Sunday School is offered.

Traditional at 8:30

Our Traditional Worship service is a wonderful mix of old and new.  We sing both beloved hymns of the faith and contemporary ones from the blue hymnals located in every pew (the words are also projected on screen.) Every week you can also expect to hear a special music offering from our Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir, or a special guest. The scripture, a sermon, and Communion are also present every week in our worship services to invite us into deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.  

The Traditional  8:30 a.m. bulletin, provided as you enter the Sanctuary, will guide you through the worship service. As a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we practice “open” communion; all followers of Christ are welcome to share in Communion as the bread and cup are passed.

Contemporary Worship at 10:30

Contemporary Worship spends time singing and praising God together, praying, learning from scripture and one another, listening to a Message offered, and meeting at the Table for communion together. This worship service is led by our Praise Band, made up of vocalists, guitarists, a keyboardist, and drummer. Children ages preschool through fifth grade are invited forward for a Children’s Moment. During the school year those ages 4 through 2nd grade are invited to Children's Church, a worship experience for children and those in 3rd through 7th grade are invited to JUMP class. As a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we practice “open” communion; all followers of Christ are welcome to share in Communion as the bread and cup are distributed.

10:30 a.m. bulletin is also provided.


FCC believes one of the best ways to worship is through music. We are committed to offering a beautiful noise to the Lord. We do this through a variety of different choirs and bands which help lead the congregation in worship.

  • Chancel Choir

    The Chancel Choir is a chance for worshippers to help lead and praise the Lord through music during our Traditional Worship service. The Chancel Choir sings a variety of choral arrangements from ancient chants to contemporary arrangements. Rehearsals for the Chancel Choir are Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. & Sunday mornings at 8 a.m.

  • bellIEVERS  BELL choir

    The FCC BELLIEVERS Bell Choir brings special music to both the Traditional and Contemporary services. They offer music arranged for the beautiful instruments known as hand bells. Participation in worship is monthly. Rehearsals for the Hand Bell Choir are Wednesday evenings at 5 p.m.

  • Worship Band

    The Worship Band leads the contemporary worship service with music from today's Contemporary Christian music.  Tthey practice on Wednesdays at 7 p.m.